A great way to prepare your dog to do well in our board and train programs is to start working on crate training and potty training, even before you bring your dog to us.

The purpose of crate training is to help your dog learn to rest comfortably in their crate without whining, barking, pawing, or chewing on the bars.

Ground Rules

  • A crate or kennel is a tool to help your dog to feel comfortable and safe (“den”), not a consequence for poor behavior (“time out”).

  • Always stay positive and encouraging when inviting your dog to enter the crate.

  • Don’t force your dog in the crate, or send your dog there for punishment.


  • Get your dog’s attention, and toss a treat into the crate.

  • Once all four of your dog’s paws enter the crate, say “Yes!”—that the marker word, which you will want to use whenever you catch them doing the right thing.

  • Allow the dog to enter and leave the crate multiple times without closing the door.

  • Then have the dog go into the crate and have them rest there several times without closing the door.

  • Always give them a treat, a favorite toy, or something to chew on when they perform the desired behavior.

  • Gradually extend the length of time that your dog is able to stay in the crate.

How the Use the Marker Word

  • Building a behavior starts the marker word—“Yes!”

  • Once your dog gets used to the marker work, add the command with it so they associate the command with the desired behavior—“Yes! Crate.”

  • Eventually, you can drop the marker word, and use the word “crate” as the command.